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Healthy Eating Behaviors

Tips, Tricks, and Facts for York University Students




Here at Healthier Eating York, we strive to shed light on social psychological reasons as to why we, as students, eat the way we eat. Whether it is on campus, in transit, or at home, we are influenced by many factors which shape the way in which we form relationships to food. Here, we discuss those factors, and explain why and how access to healthier recipes and community input can increase one's ability to put their food choices back into their own hands.


The main purpose of this site is to provide a space where York students can learn more about healthy eating habits, what shapes eating habits, and how to make better cooking and eating choices both on campus and at home. It addresses three needs in the York community: not having enough time to prepare meals, not knowing how or what to prepare, and how to better manage stress eating (especially during exams and other stressful times!)

Here, we provide a student forum, recipes, and tips and tricks too!

Not only do your eating habits shape your life NOW, they are the habits you carry with you in your FUTURE!


                       DID YOU KNOW?

             Healthy eating can improve

 your physical appearance, performance in

                     school,  and increase

                           energy levels!

Start eating healthier today! It's easier than you think!


↓↓↓Video of the week ↓↓↓

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